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Separation Anxiety Disorder in Adults

Adult Separation Anxiety: Etiology, Assessment and Treatment provides clinicians and researchers with a comprehensive foundation for assessment and treatment of adult separation anxiety. With insight on both psychological and pharmacological treatment implications, the book also covers key issues regarding the development and maintenance of separation anxiety, including physiological and evolutionary substrates of attachment and its biological correlates with separation anxiety. The book looks at life events and triggers to heightened separation anxiety in adults, as well as clinical indicators. Clinical review questionnaire measures and structured interview schedules that can be put into immediate use are included as well.

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Overcoming Panic

Overcoming Panic – Based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques and the authors’ many years of experience and expertise in treating this disabling condition, this book offers an indispensible guide for anyone affected, including sufferers and their friends and families.


This book:

  • Explains the many forms and causes of panic

  • Contains a complete self-help programme and monitoring sheets

  • Is recommended by the National Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme for England delivered by The Reading Agency and the Society of Chief Librarians with funding from the Arts Council of England and Wellcome.

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Modelling & Managing the Depressive Disorders

Modelling and Managing the Depressive Disorders – The major psychiatric classification systems, such as DSM and ICD, define depression as essentially a single condition varying only by severity; however, there are major problems with this approach. In this book, the authors expose the weaknesses in the existing models, and describe a new approach to sub-typing and managing depression based on there being some specific sub-types (such as melancholic and psychotic depression), as well as other conditions distinguished and shaped by stress factors and predisposing personality styles.


They argue that depression can exist as a disease, a disorder, a syndrome and a normal reaction, and therefore requires a multi-modal approach to conceptualisation and management. 

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Love, Laugh Eat

Weight-loss expert, and renowned authority on longevity, Dr. John Tickell shares the secret to a long life: moderation. Moderation in everything except love, laughter, and fish (and a few vegetables!).

Based on common sense, sound science, and good food, Love, Laugh, and Eat is an easy-to-follow guide that will help put the bounce back in your step and add years to your life. With his characteristic wit and medical expertise, Dr. Tickell lays out his proven Activity, Coping, and Eating (ACE) program, which simultaneously works out your body, your brain, and your mouth--the three keys to a healthy life--through physical activity and stress-management techniques and his revolutionary Four Simple Rules of Nutrition.

The Worry Trap

Grounded in the powerful new acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this book will help you get relief from chronic worry and even generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) by learning to stop controlling your feelings and avoiding life and to start living. 

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Dodging Energy Vampires

This book is about owning and celebrating your highly sensitive, empathic nature for the gift it truly is to society and to the planet. Highly sensitive empathic people carry huge amounts of inner light because they see life through the eyes of compassion and caring. Always. They were born that way. But it's also a manual for how to repair your wounded self-esteem and self-worth and step out of the victim role that you may have been assigned in your family of origin. Or by society.

This book will assist you in identifying and warding off the most common types of energy vampires who feed on your energy and make you susceptible to health, emotional, and financial problems. Here you will find explicit instructions for how to identify and separate from energy vampires so that they are no longer using your energy to fuel their dysfunctional lives.

East Coast Psychology & Psychiatry Level 4, 9-13 Bronte Rd, Bondi Junction 2022


Reception -

 Tel: 02 9389 5630

 Fax: 02 9369 2668

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